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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Genome of an endosymbiont bacteria Carsonella ruddii 159662 bp 100622 Atsushi Nakabachi et al....
Transcription error rate of endosymbiotic bacteria (corrected value) Carsonella ruddii 5.09E-05 per nucleotide 113574 Traverse CC, Ochman H....
Genome size (smallest of endosymbiont bacteria) Bacteria Hodgkinia cicadicola 143795 bps 108693 McCutcheon JP, McDonald BR...
Fraction of transcription errors that cause an amino acid substitution bacteria E. coli 68±1.46%: Buchnera aphidicola 80% % 113575 Traverse CC, Ochman H....
Error rates in RNA sequncing (RNAseq) Unspecified cDNA synthesis 3×10^−5–6×10^−5: high-throughput sequencing technologies ≤10^−2–10^−3 per nucleotide 113568 Traverse CC, Ochman H....
Error rates in RNA sequncing (RNAseq) using altered library preparation protocols Unspecified <10^−8–10^−12 per nucleotide 113571 Traverse CC, Ochman H....
Error rate in transcription Bacteria Escherichia coli 1E-05 (5e-6 - 5e-5) mutation/nucleotide 105212 Ninio J. Connections...
Transcription error rate over all conditions (corrected value) Bacteria Escherichia coli 8.23E-05 (±0.55×10^-5) per nucleotide 113572 Traverse CC, Ochman H....
Transcription error rate (corrected values) Bacteria Buchnera aphidicola mRNA 4.67±1.53×10^−5: rRNA 3.28±0.56×10^−5 per nucleotide 113573 Traverse CC, Ochman H....
Genome size and GC content in bacteria with small genomes and low GC content bacteria Table - link N/A 112672 Lind PA, Andersson DI....
Approximate genome size and genome content of various organisms Various Table - link N/A 103793 Saier MH Jr. The bacterial...
Genomic properties of representative bacteria within phyla containing species with both large and highly reduced genomes bacteria Table - link N/A 108694 McCutcheon JP, McDonald BR...